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HIP (Hands-on Image Processing) for Educators – This project was funded by the Annenberg Foundation and The Corporation for Public Broadcasting. HIP uses image processing to teach math and science skills to middle school students. Terrazas Video shot and edited the video segments for this innovative project.
A Portrait of the Center for Creative Photography – Terrazas Video was honored to be selected by the University of Arizona’s Center for Creative Photography to produce their promotion video. Interviews of patrons where used to construct the narrative. Unique camera angles added emphasis. This project was funded by the National Endowment for the Arts.
Inside Edition – Golf Course Sniper (DC Sniper Confesses to Tucson, AZ Shooting). Terrazas Video has been a Southern Arizona “Stringer” Crew for The History Channel, The Discovery Channel and King Feature Syndication (Inside Edition). Golf Course Sniper was our forth assignment for Inside Edition. Do you need a production crew in Southern Arizona? For anything from breaking news to feature footage, contact Terrazas Video.
Harp Fusion Music Video DVDs – Directed by Dr. Carrol McLaughlin, Harp Fusion is the nation’s premiere Harp Ensemble. In 2004, Terrazas Video was contracted to videotape & edit their 25th Anniversary Spectacular DVD. This DVD featured fully produced music videos shot in a variety of locations including California, Arizona and Japan. This DVD was extremely successful and as a result, in 2007, we produced the Ensembles Live Cosmo Concert DVD.
University of Arizona, School of Dance – For over 20 years Terrazas Video has been the video service provider for the University of Arizona, School of Dance. We are proud to be a small part of this incredible organization. Under the leadership of Jory Hancock the School of Dance has become one of the top five dance programs in the world. Terrazas Video documents all the performances and produces the School’s promotion & fund raising videos. The success of the School’s fund raising efforts cumulated in 2003, with the construction of their nine-million dollar state-of-the-art dance theater.
Accident Reconstruction and Settlement Brochures – Working with nationally renowned forensic investigator, Paul Condon, Terrazas Video has 15 years experience producing accident reconstruction and video settlement brochures. If you have a highly technical concept to convey let Terrazas Video produce your presentation.
Video Graphics for TV, Web and Print Publication – Graphics is another area that we have extensive experience in. When Dr. Peter Lehman needed the highest quality frame grabs for his book Thinking About Movies, he selected Terrazas Video for our graphics capabilities. Professor Gary D. Cook annotated his text book Teaching Percussion, with video clips produced by Terrazas Video. Teaching Percussion has over eight hours of video demonstrations. The book uses DVD icons in its margins to identifies topics with video components.